Hi, It’s easy to create an own blog without spending anything and that too in 5 minutes. Don’t you feel excited? Now let’s start, just follow the step as mentioned and your Blog will be ready as soon as you finish to read this article.
Step 1: Visit WordPress.com and click on Create Website button. You will get the interface same as below.
Just write down the name in the textbox. It will be your Blog address. After writing Site Address click on the “Create your site and Continue” Button.
Step 2: Enter your email address on which WordPress will send your email to confirm your account, so make sure that you have typed it correctly.
Now write a username. You can use anything having at least four characters and what you like, provided it isn’t already in use by someone else. WordPress recommends choosing something fun that you’ll remember.Your username is a just name to login to back office of your blog.
Next is your password that should be unique and which you need to remember while login to your Blog.
Now you can click on Button Next Step.
Step 3: There are two types of web addresses to choose from on WordPress.com: a free wordpress.com web address, which you just registered in Step 2, or a custom address, which you can purchase.
Everyone who registers for a site with WordPress.com gets a free address that looks like this: http://solutionwriternidhi.wordpress.com.
If you like custom domain like blog.nidhigandhi.net you need to buy a domain.
Here as we discussed we are creating free Blog. Just Click on No Thanks.
Step 4: In this step you can choose the themes from available options based on the requirement of your blog.
Step 5: At WordPress.com offers three different plans to choose, Basic (free!), Premium ($99 /year), and Business ($299/year). It shares the features that make your blog awesome, such as beautiful themes, unlimited bandwidth & the friendliest support staff around, etc.
Now here we are selecting Free Plan.
Just click on button Select Free.After clicking on that button, you will get thank you page same as below.Now you just need to verify the email address.
Once email address verification done, your interface will look similar to below in an image.
Congratulations — now you are officially a blogger! Your Blog is Ready too.